

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Virtues and Vices

Reviewing the seven Star Wars movies with the seven virtues and vices in mind, the following characters make an apt pairing:

Moderation: Obi-Wan Kenobi
Justice/Morality: tie between Padme Narberrie and Princess Leia Organa
Prudence: Yoda
Courage: Han Solo
Chastity: Ahsoka Tano
Diligence: Luke Skywalker
Kindness: Qui Gon Jinn

Pride: Moff Tarkin
Gluttony: Jabba the Hutt
Greed: Nute Gunray
Envy:  torn between Greedo and Asajj Ventress
Sloth: Ziro the Hutt
Anger: Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader
Lust: Emperor Palpatine

Kenobi always keeps his cool, always figures out what to do in a situation. He was called the Alliance’s Only Hope by Princess Leia. He single handedly took out major threats Darth Maul and General Greivous.

Both Padme and her daughter Leia strive for justice in the world via politics yet also are comfortable using a blaster (aggressive negotiations). They see the heart of a situation and understand the farther reaching implications.

Master Yoda instructed jedi for nine hundred years and was revered for his wisdom and knowledge of the force.

Solo often acted without thought. He created a diversion for Luke and Leia to by-pass storm troopers by putting himself at risk chasing a company of storm troopers down the corridor.  He even came back with the Falcon to clear the way for Luke’s destruction of the Death Star.

Young padawan Tano has a lot to learn about the world yet, as a true jedi, does not indulge in worldly pleasures and temptations.

Luke, the new Hope for the Galaxy, went from farm boy to international hero.  His training in force perception began on the Falcon with Kenobi, whose apparition sent him to Dagoba where he continued learning under Yoda. By the end of the series, he has become a jedi master.

Jinn had a soft heart and tendency to pick up stays (Jar-Jar and Anakin).

Tarkin was confident that his Death Star was the ultimate power of the universe, that he could control the angry Sith Lord on board, and that the destruction of Alderaan would cripple the Rebel Alliance.

Jabba the Hutt was constantly eating, feeding his enormous gut, sitting with rolls of fat.

Neimoidian Gunray sought to increase his own wealth and power first by blockading Naboo, then by making a deal with a shadowy Sith Lord, and by encouraging regulation favorable to the Trade Federation in the Galactic Senate.

Greedo was envious of Solo and Jabba’s fondness for the Smuggler thus he had no compunction about killing the Corellian. Ventress was jealous of Dooku’s dark side powers and wanted to become a true Sith.

Ziro the Hutt didn’t want to budge from a cushy life on Coruscant and hired others to meddle in Jabba’s family life.

Vader often strangled an officer who displeased him, be it a Rebel officer or Imperial officer. Even before he fell completely to the dark side, in a blind rage after the death of his mother, he slaughtered an entire village of Tuskan Raiders.

Palpatine lusted after power and control. He manipulated his way into the seat of Chancellor, duped citizens to surrender personal rights and declared himself Emperor.

Friday, March 11, 2011

kenobi in felt

Christmas a while ago my daughter made for me a personalized gift: my very own Obi-Wan Kenobi. He is my favorite character from the movies and EU. She presented him to me naked so I had to design and sew his clothing (and boots). A remnant of linen worked very well for the overlay.  Recently I made him a nubuck cloak. The hood was tricky with his flat felt head but it works.